Beerbase has been a labour of love for me since 1996. I used to carry round notebooks to festivals and pubs and make notes of all the beers that I tried. I then ended up with plenty of notebooks but no organisation! So, having a PC with Microsoft Access on it, I decided to design a database to record all my beers on. The result was Beerbase. It has been refined over the years to the point where I think other beer samplers might be interested in it. I've since bought the domain name, learnt how to design a web site, and this is it! I now invite anybody interested in the database to send me an e-mail using the link below.
For the, what I consider amazingly cheap, price of £19-95 I will send you a CD with an empty copy of Beerbase on it. You will, of course, have to have Microsoft Access installed on your PC, and it must be no earlier than Access 97. The CD will also contain a folder with over 200 pub photographs in it, including all the Sheffield and Manchester ticker pubs. The CD is not a flash auto-installing job, but I will also send detailed installation instructions.
If you are at all interested, or would like more details, send me an e-mail using the link below - I look forward to hearing from you!